I.H.O: It means In. Honor. of. Thing Thing Arena 3 I made up a really fun challenge that I do to kill time.
You guys may try it if you like.
At Custom Game Pick:
-Dungeon Level
-Medium or Arena
-Hardcore Mode
-Round Scaling x5
-Round Duration at 15 secs
-Only using either Dual Berretta's, Level Shotguns or Glocks with the lead pipe
It is really challenging and I only got 576 points. xD
if you ever get a chance, try it out. It's fun :D
Even if you don't I am trying again.
Lol : )
Update: I only got 4750 points the second time, only using dual Berretta's. The screenshot shows me out of ammo and almost getting cornered. They got me though x.x
Update #2: Gamerx8 has the highest score so far :D
But he is probably cheating though xD. jk : 3
i think i will try that, but later, i need to sleep.
It's ok. It's just when you get the chance. I think it is very fun :D
Gn : )