Sup! I see it's your first day here on Newgrounds where you can do almost anything. If you need any help getting around here on NG let me know I'm offer to help just PM me.
P.S. Nice to meet you as well.
I'm just a person that likes to watch and play stuff on NG. :3 Content is made once in a blue moon hehe :D
Age 31, Female
I work now :D
Joined on 11/6/09
Sup! I see it's your first day here on Newgrounds where you can do almost anything. If you need any help getting around here on NG let me know I'm offer to help just PM me.
P.S. Nice to meet you as well.
Tyvm, such a warm welcome. Is everyone on NG as nice as you? :)
welcome to NG
Awwww tyvm :)